I went to a small, private university in West TN called Freed Hardeman University. (Not that it's important but-It's a church of Christ school, I am no longer a member of that church.)
We did not have fraternities or sororities, but we had co-ed social clubs. I was in Alpha Tau Lambda. Every year the school had something called Makin' Music. They used this as a recruiting tool as well as a fundraiser. During this, the social clubs took songs and changed the lyrics to fit a 6-ish minute show. We practiced for weeks working on our songs and "choreography" (since the churches of Christ don't believe in dancing

Anyway, this video is from my FRESHMAN year in 1993 (please don't mention that was fifteen years ago!)
See if you can find me

Here is our take on Romeo and Juliet. (we won first place in lyrics this year.)
Then the following year (that'd be 1994 for those of you keeping up), I was one of the directors of our show. I don't plan to upload this video but here's a group foto.....again, see if you can spot me!

A trip down memory lane......don't laugh too hard.

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